Lessons 11-20
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NOTE: if you're logged into a Dept. of Education Gmail account, you may NOT be able to access the following content. Try using a personal Gmail account.

Lesson 11
Lesson 11
Using the Sound function to play music. Cheat Sheet.

Lesson 12
Lesson 12
Learn about variables and data types

lesson 13
lesson 13
Learn about arithmetic Operators

lesson 14
lesson 14
Learn about "for" and "while" loops, Incremental Operators, Conditional Statements.

Challenge #3 - display numbers 0 to 9 using a loop on your car's Dot Matrix display

lesson 16
lesson 16
Let's learn modulus the remainder operator to prepare for the next challenge.

Lesson 17
Lesson 17
Challenge #4 - Display "E" for even or "O" for odd on Dot Matrix Display.

lesson 18
lesson 18
Challenge #5 - Display the Alphabet A - Z using a loop

lesson 19
lesson 19
Challenge #6 - Make a Square [ ] pattern using the least amount of code using the Virtual Car

lesson 20
lesson 20
Challenge #7 - add Display to build on Challenge #6 to Make a Square [ ] pattern using the least amount of code using the Virtual Car
click to lesson 21-40
click to lesson 21-40