Lessons 1-10
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NOTE: if you're logged into a Dept. of Education Gmail account, you may NOT be able to access the following content. Try using a personal Gmail account.
lesson 0
lesson 0
What is computer science in 4 minutes?
lesson 1
lesson 1
Learn about the Altino Virtual Car Programming Environment
lesson 2
lesson 2
What are functions?
lesson 3
lesson 3
Make Altino move using Go and delay, and Steering
lesson 4
lesson 4
Practice Exercise 1 and 2 - convert pseudo-code into code
lesson 5
lesson 5
Make the Altino virtual car complete one full circle
lesson 6
lesson 6
Challenge #1 - make a figure "8" using the virtual car
lesson 7
lesson 7
Using the Display function to display letters, numbers, and characters on the Altino Virtual Car. Open the Cheat Sheet or it's posted on the left below, and look at Page 4.
lesson 8
lesson 8
Use Display and (48 + __) to display numbers on the Virtual Car
lesson 9
lesson 9
Use Display and (65 + __) to display letters on the Virtual Car
Lesson 10
Lesson 10
Challenge #2 - Counting Circles on Dot Matrix on the virtual car
CLICK TO Lessons 11-20
CLICK TO Lessons 11-20